Troubleshooting camera issues

Troubleshoot camera issues and learn how to resolve them

Marissa Agno avatar
Written by Marissa Agno
Updated over a week ago

Enable Permissions by Browser:

1a. Google Chrome

Make sure to configure these permissions in the Pencil Spaces tab

If you see "Camera permissions not granted" when you try to join a call in Pencil Spaces, it is because Pencil Spaces does not have permission to use your camera or microphone in the browser you use. This can be solved in two easy steps.

1) To fix this, click on the Lock icon next to the URL in your browser, as shown above. When you move your mouse over it, you will see some text that says "View Site Information".

2) Here, you can see that camera and microphone permissions are turned off. Turn them on to see the blue indicator before closing the menu.

3) Then, REFRESH the page. You might see this at the top of your page where you can click the "Reload" button. If it does not appear for you, simply click CTRL/Command + Shift + R on your keyboard.

Still not working?

If your camera and microphone are still not working, follow the instructions below:

1) At the top right corner of your browser, click the 3 dots and then navigate to "Settings".

2) Then, navigate to "Security and Privacy" > "Site Settings".

3) Once you enter site settings, click "Camera" or "Microphone".

4) Where it says "Default behaviour" select "Sites can use your camera/microphone" at the top.

5) Make sure that you do the same for your "Microphone" permissions.

6) Once you have enabled video permissions in your Chrome default settings, go back to Pencil Spaces and reload your page again by clicking "CTRL/Command + Shift + R".

7) Then, double-check permissions for by clicking the "Lock" icon again to make sure that both your camera and microphone are enabled, as shown below:

8) Reload the page again, and test to see if your permissions are now enabled. If you would like to learn how to do a hard refresh, please read the following article: How to Perform a Hard Refresh in Pencil Spaces.

1b. Safari

If you receive either of the following errors when you try to turn on your video or microphone, it is because Pencil Spaces does not have permission to use your camera or microphone in Safari.

If it is your first time opening Pencil Spaces in Safari, you may receive this notification continuously until you click "Allow". However, if you clicked "Never for this site" you may follow the instructions below:

1) Click Safari > Preferences > Websites

2) Click Camara, and look for and click "Deny" or "Ask". Change this option to "Allow" in the dropdown menu. Then, repeat the process for the Microphone.

3) Then, return to Pencil Spaces and refresh the page. Start or join a call by clicking the green button at the top right.

You may now adjust your video calling preferences and Start or Join the call as usual.

1c. Mozilla Firefox

If you tried starting a call in Pencil Spaces, but your microphone permissions are not granted, you will need to follow the steps below.

1) At the top of your browser where the Pencil Spaces link is located, you may be able to see several icons to the left of the link.

2) Click these icons to expand "Permissions for".

3) Next to "Use this microphone" and "Use the camera" click the X next to the box that says "Blocked" or "Blocked temporarily". Your permissions should look like this afterwards.

4) Then, try to rejoin the call. You will be asked to grant permission again. Click "remember this decision" and "Allow".

1d. Microsoft Edge

If you tried starting a call in Pencil Spaces, but your microphone permissions are not granted, you will need to follow the steps below.

1) Click the "Lock" icon next to the Pencil Spaces URL in your browser. When you hover over it, it should say "View site information".

Clicking on it will reveal the following settings:

2) Click the drop-down box next to "Camera" and "Microphone", and click "Allow".

It should look something like this:

3) Once your permissions are configured, close this settings panel and refresh your page by clicking CTRL/Cmd + R.

4) Then, you can start or join a call as usual. Repeat the steps in this section to check if everything is working as intended.

Test to see if your microphone works again

Click the green Start/Join call button at the top right corner of your screen.

If your permissions are enabled correctly, your video will load and the "Audio/video settings" pop-up will appear. Here, you can choose your webcam, microphone, and speaker for the video call.

Click "Adjust video and audio" to test your camera, microphone, and speaker or to change your input/output devices. Once everything is set up to your liking, click "Done"

Then, click "Done" and then click the green "Start Call" button.

Then, click the green "Start/Join Call" button and your video call should run smoothly!

Error: No input from camera

Error: Camera in use by another application

If you are running on a Windows machine and you are using another video conferencing tool with Pencil Spaces (i.e. Zoom), you will not be able to turn on your video unless your video in the other platform, or the platform itself is closed.

Error: No camera available

In order for others to see your video in Pencil Spaces, your device needs to have a camera.

If you have an external camera that is still not working, make sure that it is properly connected.

Need more help?

If you are still experiencing issues sharing your screen, please reach out to our team so that we can help out as quickly as possible. Either:

  • Click the "? Help" button at the bottom left corner of this page and start a conversation with our team.

  • Click the "?" Button at the top right corner of your screen on an active Space to start a conversation with us.

  • If it's easier, you can also email us directly at [email protected]

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