Troubleshooting Screen Sharing

Troubleshoot screen sharing not working and learn how to configure screen sharing permissions on macOS

Marissa Agno avatar
Written by Marissa Agno
Updated over a week ago

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1. Why does my screen share not work?

If screen sharing or recording fails in Pencil Spaces, your browser may not have the right permissions. There are 2 potential causes:

  1. If you are on a macOS, you may have received an error message to "Grant screenshare access" when attempting to screen share.

    To grant access, scroll below or click: Enabling screen sharing in macOS System Preferences

  2. If you are using a Windows device, or if you have already checked that permissions are enabled in macOS system preferences, this could have occurred if you selected your screen share, and you clicked "Cancel" instead of "Share".

If screen sharing is still not working, please reach out to our 24/7 live support or email us at [email protected].

2. Enabling screen sharing in macOS System Preferences

To enable screen sharing/recording permissions on macOS, you can follow the video above or follow the instructions below.

  1. First, open System Preferences on your Mac by clicking the System Preferences icon (either in your dock or in launchpad)

  2. Click on "Security and Privacy" in your System Preferences.

  3. Click "Privacy" at the top right.

  4. Then, using the scrollable menu on the left side, navigate to the "Screen Recording" Permission.

  5. Click the "Lock" icon (in the image above at the bottom left corner) to make changes. Enter your macOS password and, once unlocked, click the checkbox next to the browser you are using. In this example, I am using Google Chrome.

    Make sure that you see the checkmark for the selected browser as shown above. If this permission was already enabled, try disabling it, and re-enabling the permission again.

  6. Follow the onscreen instructions to quit and re-open your browser so that your changes are updated.
    ​Note: If you're already on a call in Spaces, your call will end if you choose to quit and re-open the browser.

    ​Note: If you click "Later" you will need to fully restart your browser by holding Cmd + Q when using your browser. You can also restart your computer as well.

  7. Re-open and re-join your call. Try to share your screen as shown in this article: Screen Sharing in Pencil Spaces.
    You should find that you can now share your screen as normal!

3. Need more help?

If you are still experiencing issues sharing your screen, please reach out to our team so that we can help out as quickly as possible. Either:

  • Click the "Messenger" icon at the bottom right corner of this page and follow the onscreen instructions

  • Click the "?" Button at the top right corner of your screen on an active Space to start a conversation with us.

    If it's easier, you can also email us directly at [email protected]

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