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How can a guest user access a Space?

Learn more about our Guest Login feature

Nitish Garg avatar
Written by Nitish Garg
Updated over 6 months ago

What is Guest Login?

Guest login allows any user to access a Space without a Pencil Spaces account. This is useful in cases where you're using Pencil Spaces in workshop or seminar settings.

Hosts retain full control over participants in their session. Guests need to be approved by a host before they can join a Space, and can be forcibly removed from a Space if necessary.

Guest Login is only available for public Spaces. To access a private Space, a user will need a valid Pencil Spaces account

For Hosts - How to approve Guest requests

Host(s) of a Space maintain control over who can join the session by screening guests from the Waiting Room. Steps on how to approve a guest request can be found below.

  1. When a Guest user enters the Waiting Room, you will receive a notification in your Space.

  2. You can choose to Admit the user or Reject their request.

  3. If you click Admit, the user will enter the Space. If you choose to Reject their request, the Guest can still request admission by raising a request again, though they will only be able to request once every 3 minutes.

  4. If you dismiss the request, you can always accept users at another time. You can access these requests from the “Participants” button on the top right corner of the navigation bar.

  5. Click on “Participants” button to view pending requests

  6. Click on “Requests” to view all recent requests from the Guest user(s)

  7. From here, you could choose to Admit all guest users or selectively Admit / Reject admission to the Space as you'd prefer.

For Participants - How to login as a Guest

To access a Space as a Guest, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the URL you have received for the particular session. If you're not already logged-in, you'll see a page similar to the one below.

  2. Click on Continue as Guest. If you do not see a "Continue as Guest" option, this means the Space is a private Space. To continue, either (i) contact a Space host to make the Space public, or (ii) sign-up to an account on Pencil Spaces and request access to the Space.

  3. After clicking "Continue as Guest", you will be directed to the next page. Here, please fill out this field with your name and click on Continue.

  4. In a few moments, you will be directed to the Waiting Room

  5. Once you are in the Waiting Room, the Owner/ Host(s) of the Space will be notified of your presence. You can notify the host of your presence again after 3 minutes.

  6. In some cases, the host might still be setting up and your request to enter the Space may be denied. In such a case, you may request to Notify host again.

  7. Once a Host accepts your request, you will be redirected to the Space to join the session. You're all set!

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