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How to Convert PDF to PDF/A

Learn how to convert a PDF file to a PDF/A file. This is required if you want to place one page of a PDF per board in Pencil Spaces.

Imran Ahmed avatar
Written by Imran Ahmed
Updated over 8 months ago

Are you facing the following error while uploading a PDF to Pencil Spaces?

β€œSorry, this file does not support page splitting. You can not select pages or split pages across multiple boards.”

Certain PDF files do not support splitting pages, which is required if you want to place one page of a PDF per board. This can be achieved by converting the existing PDF file to a PDF/A file.

Pencil Spaces at the moment does not support an innate functionality to convert a PDF file to a PDF/A file. To convert a file, you could use some of the free tools available on the internet such as iLovePDF, PDF24, PDF Converter, Xodo, PDF2Go, etc.

To convert a file, follow these steps:

  1. We will be using Xodo here to take up an example, but, you are free to use any of the tools available online to convert your PDF file to a PDF/A file.

  2. To start, open Xodo in your browser tab.

  3. Click on β€œSelect File(s)” and choose a file from your computer that needs to be converted.

  4. It will only take a moment for your file to get uploaded. Once done, click on β€œConvert”.

  5. It could take a moment for Xodo to process your PDF depending on the size of your file.

  6. Once processed, your converted PDF will be ready to download. Save this file onto your computer.

  7. This PDF/A can now be easily split in Pencil Spaces to get one page of a PDF per board. To do that, simply upload the PDF/A file on Pencil Spaces.

  8. Click on β€œSelect All” to choose all the pages of the PDF/A and click on β€œNext”.

  9. As you can see, the option to split the pages of the PDF/A One page per board is now available. Click on β€œImport Pages” to place the pages on the board.

  10. Once done, a board folder will be created with boards containing one page of the PDF/A per board.

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