Welcome to Pencil Spaces!
We're here to guide you every step of the way. Please refer to the guides below to get you signed into Pencil Spaces
Table of Contents
Signing in to Pencil Spaces via Clever Login
Enter the following URL: my.pencilapp.com/account on your browser to reach the Sign-in page
Choose “Continue with Clever” from the More Options drop-down menu
If you are already logged in to Clever on your browser, you will be redirected to your Pencil Spaces account seamlessly. Else, you will be re-directed to Clever.com to Login. Enter your credentials and Click on ‘Log-in’.
You will be signed in to Pencil Spaces.
Signing in to Pencil Spaces via Clevers Portal
Visit clever.com and enter your credentials. Click on ‘Log-in’.
Upon reaching the Clever dashboard, search for Pencil Spaces
Click on Pencil Spaces Single Sign-on option and you’ll be redirected to your Pencil Spaces Account.
Signing in to Pencil Spaces via Classlink’s Portal
Enter the following URL: https://launchpad.classlink.com/login
And enter your credentials.
It will only take a moment and you will be directed to the Classlink Launchpad.
Click on the Pencil Spaces icon. A window will pop-up leading you to your Pencil Spaces account.
Signing in to Pencil Spaces via Classlink Login
Enter the following URL: my.pencilapp.com/account
Choose “Continue with Classlink” from the More Options drop-down menu
Choose “Continue with Classlink” from the More Options drop-down menu.
If you are already logged in to Classlink on your browser, you will be redirected to your Pencil Spaces account seamlessly. Else, you will be re-directed to Classlinks Launchpad to Login. Click on “Login Here”
Enter your credentials and click on ‘Sign in’. You will be redirected to your Pencil Spaces account.
Need more support?
If your issue is still not resolved after hard refreshing, please contact our 24/7 Pencil Spaces Support team