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How to change your Webviewer Accessibility
How to change your Webviewer Accessibility

Learn how to make your Webviewer accessible to your participants even when you're not in the Space with them!

Imran Ahmed avatar
Written by Imran Ahmed
Updated over a year ago

Webviewer accessibility can be altered to allow for ongoing collaboration even when the owner of that Webviewer isn't in the Space. When the owner/creator of the Webviewer isn't in a Space, the Webviewer they added to the whiteboard cannot be used unless the owner grants permission.

How to make a Webviewer always available as the owner

As the owner/creator of that Webviewer, navigate to the top right-hand side of your Webviewer and click on the three dots.

Select “Make always available”.

And now, until reversed, participants will be able to continue to use the Webviewer you’ve created even when you’re not actively in the Space with them.

How to make a Webviewer always available as a participant

If you’re not the owner/creator of a Webviewer, you yourself cannot make the Webviewer accessible to yourself when the owner/creator isn’t present. You can however request access to the Webivewer.

Select “Notify owner” on the inaccessible Webviewer, and the creator of that Webviewer will be informed that you’re requesting access, and from there can choose whether or not to grant permission.

If you have any further questions, our support team is always happy to help!

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