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How do I use Schedule?

How to create and schedule events for classes and colleagues.

Imran Ahmed avatar
Written by Imran Ahmed
Updated over a year ago

Schedule is currently in Beta. We'd love to hear what you think, and whether you have any feature requests. Please do contact support or reach out to us by email at [email protected]

Accessing Schedule

If you visit, you should see Schedule on the left hand side panel. If you do not see Schedule, you may be on the wrong Pencil Spaces tier. Please contact Pencil Spaces Support so we can assist you.

From there, you'll be taken to your Pencil Spaces Schedule. You'll be displayed all your past scheduled events, as well as any upcoming events. Navigate to the top right-hand side of your screen, and click the “Create Event” button to schedule your first event.

Creating an event

When you create an event, you'll see a form similar to the one below.

  • Event Date & Time

    Enter the event title, description, and start time / date. We will also ask you to indicate whether or not you want the event to be repeated

  • Select a Space

    You can choose to either create a new Space for your event or use an existing Space. Where possible, we recommend re-using existing Spaces, so students can access all their lesson content with a single link

  • Invitees

    • You can invite two types of users to your event

      • Organizers will be given host access to the event's Space

      • Attendees will be given participant access to the event's Space

    • To add a user, simply paste or type their email, and hit "ENTER" (or click the suggestion in the dropdown)

Once you're done, you're all set to create your event. Click Done. You and your invitees will receive an email containing the details for your event, along with a calendar invitation to add the event to your calendar.

Note: You cannot create an event in the same Space at the same time. This is to ensure that attendance is recorded correctly for invitees who join the Space

Editing Events

Pro Tip: Institution Admins can edit events for any user, as long as that event was created by a user in the same institution.

If you need to make any changes to an event, go to your schedule and click on the event that you want to change. From there, you’ll see a pop-up appear on the right-hand side of your screen. Click the pencil icon on the top right-hand side of the pop-up to edit your event.

Make the necessary changes to your event, and click “Save” at the bottom right corner when you're finished.

Note: To ensure attendance records stay accurate, certain aspects of past events, including dates, times, and attendees cannot be edited

Deleting Events

To delete an event, go to Schedule and click on the event that you would like to delete. Click on the garbage icon on the far right-hand side of the pop-up to delete the event.

Note: As with editing events, events in the past cannot be deleted

Viewing Past / Upcoming Events

You can view your schedule by going to the calendar view. You can change between Day, Week, and Month views by selecting the appropriate option in the toggle at the top of the page.

Need support?

If you need any extra assistance, our support team is always happy to help you!

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